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We began 2023 by becoming the first Arabian breeders in Zimbabwe to perform AI, which resulted in successful pregnancies. The first part of our mission statement was “to produce purebred Arabians of the finest quality”. We chose some of our Arabian mares (including three Thoroughbreds) to be covered by two of our stallions – FS Mozart and FS Phantom. Mozart has a very good showing pedigree, and FS Phantom comes from an endurance line which has done exceptionally well at the world famous Tevis Cup in the US. His grandsire having bred a winner of the Tevis Cup. We bred the Thoroughbred mares to produce functional Anglo Arabs with good height.

Left: FS Phantom. Middle: AI demo. Right: FS Mozart and Kylee.

Once the pregnancies were established, we began focusing on our Stud Open Day that was held on 8th May 2023. Organizing a guest list, brochure, menu, to-do list, conditioning program, Arabian costumes, our trainer’s flight; our hands were full! These continued with great excitement and expectation for the first public viewing of our stud facilities and Arabian horses. Many hours of planning all the details were required to make the day a success and to “promote this phenomenal breed of horse with integrity and passion”.

Top left: FS So Magnifico and Andries. Top Middle: FS Shining Victory and Kylee. Right: FS Russian Doll and Alannah. Bottom Left: FS Mozart and Kylee with Marquee. Middle: Our Brood Mares. Bottom: Plan for the Day.

The day dawned with clear blue skies. We had special international guests, Scott Benjamin and Allan Preston, as well as family, friends, fellow breeders and invited guests who would attend our open day. The whole family had a part to play on the program, since it is a family project. The open day was a great success, each of our sixteen pure-bred Arabians were individually shown by our trainer from South Africa, Mr Andries Van Der Walt, and our children. They then rode some of the horses, our two daughters each rode stallions. There was a jumping display as well as traditional Arabian costumes, worn by our daughters on their mares. There was a sense of achievement as we held a stud tour and many questions were asked, as well as interest shown in this incredible breed.

FS Misty Myth and Callum. Trish, Sean, Scott Benjamin, and Allan Preston. FS Phantom and Alannah. FS Talyta and Seth. Several Guests.

We participated in several events throughout the year, one being the Annual Pony Show held at Hipec, others being the ARC shows and the Lomagundi College Fun Show. We attended and partially sponsored the Horse of the Year Show in Bulawayo and did the Introduction to Coaching Course. We had a few lovely visitors to the Stud, including some international guests, a representative from the Spanish Embassy, many local friends and interested people.

A few shows we attended with FS Shining Victory, Rivens I'm Magic, FS Russian Doll, and Go Galaxy ridden by Kylee, Alannah, and Tamsyn. Pictured next to Russian Doll is Nikki, who helped us train with jumping and dressage. Bottom Right: Guests who visited the stud.

Our focus has been on establishing our stud, looking after our pregnant mares, training our youngsters and teaching the colts how the collection process works. FS Phantom and FS Mae Maria have been put under saddle and FS Little King was gelded to add to the collection of endurance riding horses.

We bid farewell to our stud assistant, Tamsyn Taylor-Freeme and thank her for all the work she's put into the furthering of our stud.

In the last month we have had four new additions to the stud: SS Sundance, SS Sariyah, SS Sammatino, and SS Tehilah. All healthy, strong and incredibly precious, we can't wait for the next three in the new year!

SS Sarıyah with dam, FS Sashay Skye

Looking ahead, we will be training for the Zimbabwe Arabian National Championships next year in April, the first one in over twenty years. Our brood mares will be put in foal with our rising stallions- FS Thunder and FS So Magnifico for next seasons stock.

Left: FS So Magnifico. Right: FS Thunder

We are grateful for the opportunity that we have to work with these special horses and the way it has caused our family to pull together as a team creating priceless memories and achieving goals we never thought we would reach!

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